It's Okay To Talk Period - Endometriosis Awareness Week

3rd March 2025

It's Okay To Talk Period - Endometriosis Awareness Week

5-10% of women suffer from endometriosis and its sister adenomyosis. These little-talked-about conditions can cause severe pain during periods and at other times. They often take years to get diagnosed and treatments are not always very effective. Sufferers report being ‘dismissed, ignored or belittled’ when they seek medical advice, or told ‘it’s just period cramps’.

One sufferer says, "It’s so stressful to be repeatedly needing time off work. Everyday activities can be impossible to cope with. Sport was a nightmare at school. Explaining how you feel to colleagues, friends, teachers or even partners and family is a mountain to climb and you feel embarrassed and completely on your own. People just don’t get how you can be fine one minute and then throwing up and in so much pain you can’t move the next."

All in all, endo can be a lonely journey. If you suffer yourself or if you are supporting someone who does, it can be a huge relief to talk about living with the challenges of this condition. As you explore your feelings and ways of coping you can gain confidence in talking to others about your symptoms, reaching out to professionals for any help you may need, and living life the way that works best for you.

"It wasn’t until I talked to a therapist that I found the words to communicate what was happening to me. It didn’t take the pain away completely but it certainly made a whole bunch of other things easier – like getting the medics to take me seriously and working out how to pace myself. I also found more effective ways to get my employers to understand and make some adjustments to help me."

Come and talk to us at DRCS. Booking an appointment today might open the door to a new, more positive chapter. The Endometriosis UK website also offers lots of information and advice.

If it would help to talk, there is a warm welcome at DRCS and a quick response time to requests for therapy, plus help to find the right kind of therapy for you. Browse our website at for information about our talking therapy services, it is just a click away.

#DRCS #CounsellingServices #Supervision #Workshops #Training #Derbyshire #MentalHealth #EndometriosisAwarenessWeek