School Services

Our Qualified and Accredited therapists can deliver a range of recognised and evidence based therapeutic approaches for children and young people 6-18.

We provide onsite school therapists to support your students who are experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, difficulties with transition, attendance, engagement and achievement.

We also offer wellbeing group work to build resilience.

Outcomes Within Schools

  • Improved attendance rates leading to more pupils achieving their full potential
  • Young people report being better able to understand and manage their own mental health.
  • Less risk and safeguarding concerns

Offer To Staff

  • Training sessions focussed on staff well-being, on the mental health and well-being of young people, or on neuro-diversity and learning difference.
  • Supervision sessions to support staff in their roles. Particularly helpful to safeguarding, behaviour support and SEND staff

What Existing Schools Say About The Service We Provide

  • “The service pays for itself in terms of improved attendance, engagement, behaviour and outcomes for young people.”
  • “Young people have seen how the service has helped their peers and now come and ask if they can access similar support if they are struggling.”
  • “The service has been invaluable in providing information and advice to us, as a school, which has enabled us to liaise with other professionals and make successful referrals, where needed, such as to social care and CAMHS.”

For more information or to discuss your specific needs please call us on 0800 047 6861