Christmas Ho Ho Ho Or Help Help Help

20th December 2024

Christmas Ho Ho Ho Or Help Help Help

"Tis the season to be Merry" and the great Christmas machine is sweeping into action. Whilst for some people it may be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ for other people it becomes a stressful time, when time and money get pressured. It’s hardly surprising Christmas becomes a ‘critical event’ shining a light on everything that is going on in life, the good and the bad.

Christmas expectations are also a big pressure such as the requirement to bring together perfect company, magic perfect décor, buy perfect gifts and produce perfect food! This can tap into perfectionism – the need for everything to be perfect...a tricky tendency in anyone as it’s a kind of prison leading to feelings of failure, avoiding things and shame.

Sadly, perfectionistic tendencies have increased substantially among young people over the past 30 years, regardless of gender or culture. Social expectations can also take a toll when people are thrust back into family situations that recreate old dynamics which haven’t always served them well in the past. Despite being with other people, individuals can feel lonely, left out and not able to be themselves.

For some people this may be the first Christmas they have spent alone following the passing of a partner or loved one, so it becomes a particularly difficult time.

Whilst we at DRCS want to wish you the most enjoyable Christmas possible, we are also realistic and acknowledge that some of the above may ‘ring a bell’. Our talking therapy service is just a few clicks away on this web site and therapy can be a useful space to reflect and take stock. At the very least this might enable you to survive Christmas but more importantly, enable you to make the changes you’ve been promising yourself in the longer term.

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